Aarohi developed next-generation storage components and processors, used by systems suppliers such as McData Corporation to provide new intelligent storage platforms. The company was acquired by Emulex (NYSE:ELX) in 2006.
Volantis Systems is the world’s leading supplier of Intelligent Content Adaptation solutions for the Mobile Internet, providing applications, tools and platforms that enable operators, service provider or enterprises to deliver any content to any mobile device. The company was acquired by Antenna Software, Inc. in January 2011.
Aspective was Europe’s first application service provider (ASP) to implement, manage and deliver market-leading front office applications such as Siebel and Broadvision. The company was acquired by Vodafone UK in December 2006.
No Wires Needed provided IEEE 802.11b-compliant wireless LAN (WLAN) technology and products, including innovative solutions for residential wireless-to-broadband gateways. The company was acquired in June 2000 by Intersil Corporation (Nasdaq:ISIL).
Altitun developed and manufactured tunable semiconductor lasers for use in optical networking applications. The company was acquired in May 2000 by ADC Telecommunications Inc (Nasdaq:ADCT) for $872 million.
Cramer Systems is a leading provider of operations and support systems software (OSS) to the global telecommunications industry. Cramer was acquired in August 2006 by Amdocs (NYSE: DOX) for $375 million cash consideration. See Case Study and Interview with founder Jon Craton.